Friday, September 3, 2010

Introducing Me, the Author!

Against my better judgement and my fear of being found in the real world, I'm going to open up and introduce myself properly (because most of the people reading this know me anyway).

My name is Aja Reichenbach and I'm flourishing in beautiful Ashland, Oregon. I'm currently an English major at the local university. My current job as a creative assistant for an international fashion boutique allows me to merge my three loves or writing, designer clothing and my paycheck.

If I'm not studying or working then I am with Renard on an adventure! I tend to do half my adventuring at home whether it's through reading, writing or my art. There are also my culinary adventures that I'm eagerly looking forward to showing y'all.

In addition to all this junk I am an epicure of fine foods, art and men. I like to model with my friends in our amateur photo shoots (I'm an admitted cam whore. Also, I don't really smoke; they're prop cigs). I also enjoy sleeping and listening to good music (which is not mainstream rap or auto-tunes. Good music takes hard work). Blogging has become a new item on my repertoire, but so far I like it too.

Essentially I am one-part adventurer, one-part egotist, one-part pet owner and one-part vodka. I hope you enjoyed our introduction and it's lovely to meet you!

Au Revoir,

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Posted by pi-e @ 2:00 PM

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